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The 34th Annual Simon Rockower Award Winners

2015 competition (for work done in 2014)

Awards will be presented at the 34th Annual Simon Rockower Awards banquet, sponsored by Local Choice Spirits, on Tuesday, Nov. 10 held in conjunction with the American Jewish Press Association’s 2015 Annual ConferenceNov. 9-11 in Washington D.C.

Category 1: The Louis Rapoport Award for Excellence in Commentary

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
New Jersey Jewish News, Whippany, NJ 
"Tunnel Vision," "Passoverkill?" "The Price to Pay” by Andrew Silow-Carroll
Comments: Brilliantly written and witty pieces that still present strong arguments.

Second Place
The Jewish Journal of Greater LA, Los Angeles, CA
"Charedim Should Start With 'Thank You','" "Replace Foxman With Seinfeld," "Why Judaism Needs Journalism" by David Suissa
Comments: Well-argued as well as good writing.

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"We Remember Them All," "Tale of Two Mothers," "Tallit" by Tehilla Goldberg
Comments: Heartfelt and thoughtful columns.

Second Place
Washington Jewish Week, Rockville, MD
"A High Calling," "The Limits of Language,"  "The Right to Privacy" by Geoffrey Melada
Comments: Intelligent and well-argued columns.

Category 2: Award for Excellence in Single Commentary

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Democracy, Judaism and War" by Gil Troy

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Owings Mills, MD
"Life-or-Death Struggle" by Joshua Runyan

Category 3: Award for Excellence in Personal Essay

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
70 Faces Media, New York, NY
"Saying a Prayer — Again and Again" by Abby Sher
Comments: A moving story about Judaism, a personal affliction and how the two come together in intimate ways.

Second Place
Lilith Magazine, New York, NY
"One Woman's Resume" by Leah Lax
Comments: A bravely candid account of a life filled with changes, written with uncommon emotion in a usually sterile format.

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Chicago Jewish News, Skokie, IL
"Life and Death" by Joseph Aaron
Comments: Meticulously and movingly written. A deftly constructed balance of research and reminiscence. This story is especially laudable because it allows the prodigiously unearthed facts to speak for themselves — with just the right amount of well-calibrated commentary.

Second Place
Cleveland Jewish News, Beachwood, OH
"The Passover I Became 'Jew-ish'" by Regina Brett

Category 4: Award for Excellence in Editorial Writing

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
The Jewish Journal of Greater LA, Los Angeles, CA
"Are Jews Losing Their Story?" "Jonathan Pollard Case Is About America," "Why Shavit Struck a Nerve" by David Suissa

Division BNewspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Jewish Independent, Vancouver, British Columbia 
"The Message Is Universal," "The Spirit of Limmud in Vancouver," "J Street Uniquely Set Apart for Exclusion" by Pat Johnson, Basya Laye and Cynthia Ramsay

Second Place
Washington Jewish Week, Rockville, MD
"'Our Boys,'" "The Interdating Challenge," "On El Al, We Are One People" by David Holzel, Geoffrey Melada and Joshua Runyan
Comments: The winning entries showed a good balance between the universal, news-related topics of interest to Jewish readers and the specific issues touching their readership and community — often local and small, but with wider resonance.

Category 5: The Boris Smolar Award for Excellence in Enterprise or Investigative Reporting


Sponsored by: Steinreich Communications

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
The Jewish Channel, New York, NY
"How to Lose $1 Billion: Yeshiva University Blows Its Future on Loser Hedge Funds" by Steven I. Weiss
Comments: Reporter Steven I. Weiss has done a fantastic job of telling the previously unknown story of how Yeshiva University lost $1 billion, largely based on risky hedge fund investments approved by the board. Based largely on public and financial records, this is investigative journalism at its best.

Division BNewspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
St. Louis Jewish Light, St. Louis, MO
"Jews and Genetics" by David Baugher and Ellen Futterman
Comments: Excellent and insightful story on an important subject — well researched and clearly told, this is enterprise journalism at its best.

Second Place
The Boiling Point, Los Angeles, CA
"Summer of War" by Alec Fields, Goldie Fields, Jonah  Gill, Mati Hurwitz and Noah Rothman

Category 6: Award for Excellence in News Reporting

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
Chabad.org, Brooklyn, NY
"New Pentagon Directive Opens Door for More Jewish Chaplains" by Dovid Margolin

Second Place
The Jewish Week, New York, NY
"Buddy, Can You Spare Some Socks?" by Jonathan Mark

Division BNewspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Diane J. Schmidt, Corrales, NM, The New Mexico Jewish Link
"UNM's Graduate Student Association Votes to Rescind Anti-Israel Resolution" by Diane J. Schmidt
Comments: Story doesn't just advance the original report with fresher information, but digs on a deeper level second time around.

Second Place
St. Louis Jewish Light, St. Louis, MO
"Jewish Leaders, Clergy Rally Behind Ferguson" by David Baugher

Category 7: Award for Excellence in Social Justice Reporting

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
Lilith Magazine, New York, NY
"Find Your Fergusons" by Susan Talve
Comments: A piece of personal commentary and advice that brings powerful sentiment by virtue of its straightforwardness and simplicity.

Second Place
The Canadian Jewish News, Concord, Ontario 
"LGBTQ Inclusion" by Rabbi Steven Greenberg and Jodie Shupac
Comments: A solid combination of reporting on the larger issues of inclusion and the specifics of how this affects individuals and their lives.

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
St. Louis Jewish Light, St. Louis, MO
"Ferguson Coverage" by David Baugher, Robert A. Cohn, Ellen Futterman, Larry Levin and Eric Mink
Comments: Congratulations on taking on a difficult question: What should the Jewish community do in light of what we know about Ferguson? Let us hope that some of your readers will come up with answers and act upon them.    

Second Place
St. Louis Jewish Light, St. Louis, MO
"Hunger in the Jewish Community" by Repps Hudson and Ellen Futterman
Comments: Congratulations on attempting to shed light on an important local problem even though hard statistics are difficult to find. 

Category 8: Award for Excellence in Feature Writing

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast.

First Place
Allan M. Jalon, New York, NY, Forward
"My Opa's Story of World War One's Other Fight" by Allan M. Jalon
Comments: Most readers of Allan M. Jalon's story—most Americans, in fact—know next to nothing about World War One's "other" front, let alone about the Jews who fought there for the Hapsburgs against the Western allies. And, luckily for Jalon's readers, until he read his grandfather's memoir, neither did he. Articles about surprising, undiscovered memoirs often simply recount their content, adding historical notes for context. Jalon takes readers along as he explores Fritz Arnstein's memoir — first at age 9, when he woke in the night "to the sound of typing," later as a teenager lost in the manuscript's "swirling miasma of history," and just last year as he uncovered critical facts that explain his Opa's story.  Jalon far surpasses his grandfather as a writer. Personal, compelling and intellectually honest, he describes his Opa's "Germanic accent carving his English" and the war as "the original sin of the 20th century." He feels "guilty extolling (Brusilov's) virtues" and confesses to "leaving his curiosity in limbo for decades." But he ends with words his grandfather penned exactly 100 years ago: "...this wretched war must make us more keenly aware that love is higher than hate, understanding than anger, peace than war." By weaving their stories together, Jalon and his grandfather give us that keen understanding.

Second Place
Jewish Standard, Teaneck, NJ
"Passage to India: Local Academic Finds Jewish Parallels in Hindu University" by Larry Yudelson
Comments: "In Passage to India," Larry Yudelson performs a neat trick of journalism, deploying the detail and color essential to storytelling and using that narrative to deliver clear, original analysis of complex ideas. Yudelson reports on an American professor teaching Intro to Judaism at a Hindu university in Varanisi, India, and learning profound lessons himself. After a delightfully simple lede—"Dr. Alan Brill of Teaneck faces his students."—we observe Brill observing his vintage '40s classroom—with its echoes of British imperialism, and his students, garbed in orange robes, yak vests or modern western dress—including the professor who usually teaches the course, "diligent in his note-taking." This nicely sets up a story of travel between times and cultures and Brill's realization that Jews and Hindus are deeply ignorant about each other. Yudelson accompanies the professor on his intellectual journey, delivering an ambitious amount of information by way of anecdote and example: Brill sees students kiss their Sanskrit texts the way Jews kiss the Torah; he explains that Hitler is more than a minor historical figure; and he delights when a student, grasping an essential point, exclaims "Oh, this is God in search of man!" (Yudelson knows exactly how to use quotes.) Most fascinating are the similarities Brill sees between the two religions—from a shared emphasis on daily ritual to the fact that many Hindus, like many Jews, see their faiths more as "a way of life" than a religion.   Yudelson's article leaves the reader with vivid images, startling ideas—and hungry for more.

Division B. Newspapers 7,500-14,999 circulation.

First Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"Holocaust Glimpse Takes a Lifetime Toll" by Chris Leppek
Comments: I think what made this piece so exceptional was it was all seen through the eyes of a very ordinary man, who lived through an extraordinary event. Nicely reported and well researched, with a host of telling details: won't soon forget his family knowing not to talk to him around every April 6.

Second Place
Washington Jewish Week, Rockville, MD
"The Pain Changes Your Life" by Geoffrey Melada and Suzanne Pollak
Comments: Thorough and engaging story of a difficult topic, enriched by scientific details and comments from experts. Little shmaltz and lots of facts added up to a powerful, heart-rending piece.

Division C. Newspapers 1-7,499 circulation.

First Place
Yiddish Forward, New York, NY
"Shiva Shifts Toward Shorter and Livelier Jewish Mourning for Dead" by Rukhl Schaechter
Comments: Journalists (and the public) often ignore incremental changes in traditions until they become nostalgia. This piece looks at a changing tradition as it is changing, leaving it to the reader to decide whether the shift is good or bad.

Second Place
The Dayton Jewish Observer, Centerville, OH
"Black and Jewish" by Michelle Tedford
Comments: When black folks come to shul, an unspoken questions looms: "What are *they* doing here?" What they're doing here is joining their people for prayer and/or community. It's nice to see a story that views the world through the eyes of its characters instead of looking at its subjects as, well, subjects.

Division D. Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
St. Louis Jewish Light — Oy! Magazine
"Setting (Spiritual) Boundaries" by David Baugher

Second Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Swimming Against the Tide" by Zelda Shluker 

Category 9: Award for Excellence in Arts and Criticism News and Features

Division A. Critical analysis/review, usually of a single artistic endeavor, whether in literature, theater, film or fine arts and crafts. All Newspapers; Broadcast; Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
Hakol, Allentown, PA
"For 8 years, ‘Bewitched’ Soothes Bewildered Nation" by Jennifer Lader
Comments: Excellently written and very creatively approached. Good context, content, and good piece of reporting.

Second Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Utopia: Visions and Evolution" by Renata Polt
Comments: Very good overview and done in excellent depth. A very important piece for today as we view Israel through multiple lenses.

Division B. Reporting on an artistic endeavor, trend, movement or personality, whether in literature, theater, film or fine arts and crafts. All Newspapers; Broadcast; Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
Allan M. Jalon, New York, NY, Forward
"A New Jersey Tale of Two Alfred Doblins — and One Umlaut" by Allan M. Jalon
Comments: Allan M. Jalon’s intriguing and superbly written essay brings the life and works of the late German-Jewish writer Alfred Doblin to a modern audience  but with a twist. It was prompted when he caught a TV interview with a man of the same name  Doblin’s grandson, it turned out. Jalon deftly links the life of Doblin senior to the namesake on whom he has had so meaningful an impact. Jalon writes with knowledge and confidence about the senior Doblinr's major and minor works, and appropriately places him in the cultural context of his times. He also writes with great feeling about the younger Doblin’s efforts to connect with and understand the grandfather he never knew. The essay satisfies intellectually and emotionally, and has a beautiful narrative arc. 

Second Place
Simi Horwitz, New York, NY, Forward
"Jewish Enviro-Artists Have the Whole World in Their Hands: Creative Artists Grapple with Global Warming" by Simi Horwitz
Comments: Jewish artists have been drawn to the genre of environmental art for many reasons — political, spiritual, and ecological. Simi Horwitz visits with many of these so-called eco artists to probe the sources of their inspiration and examine their recent work. Her lively, well-written story draws from her extensive reporting and pays particular attention to her subjects’ connection between Judaism and the environment. Horwitz digs deep to deliver a richly detailed look at a fresh and relevant subject.

Category 10: The David Frank Award for Excellence in Personality Profiles

Division A: Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast.

First Place - Written Profiles
Allan M. Jalon, New York, NY, Forward
"My Opa’s Story of World War One’s Other Fight" by Allan M. Jalon
Comments: Fascinating blending of historical research and context with the World War One memoir of the reporter’s grandfather, crafted into a compelling, beautifully written article.

Second Place -Written Profiles
The Jewish Week, New York, NY
"Where Have You Gone, Sandy Koufax?" by Steve Lipman
Comments: Article puts a non-event (refusal to play on Yom Kippur) into important historical perspective. Makes even Koufax’s monosyllabic answers interesting because the questions are.

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi dies" by Andrea Jacobs

Second Place
Intermountain Jewish News, Denver, CO
"The Stuff of Legends" by Chris Leppek

Division C. Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
Jewish Action (Orthodox Union), New York, NY
"Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan: Forgotten Pioneer of Jewish Activism" by Rafael Medoff, Nechama Carmel and Rashel Zywica

Second Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Ruth Westheimer" by Rahel Musleah

Division D. Videos

First Place - Videos
Jewish Broadcasting Service, Fort Lee, NJ
Body of Work by Mark S. Golub

Category 11: Award for Excellence in Special Sections or Supplements

All entries competed in the same division.

First Place
Hamodia, Brooklyn, NY
"The Freedom Connection" by Hamodia Staff

Second Place
Cleveland Jewish News, Beachwood OH
"Stars of David" by Bob Jacob, Jon Larson, Les Levine and Ed Wittenberg

Category 12: The Rambam Award for Excellence in Writing About Health Care

Sponsored by: American Friends of Rambam Health Care Campus

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Gene Trackers" by Wendy Elliman
Comments: Combines scientific discovery, passion and trans-formative work. Masterfully executed.

Second Place
Jewish Standard, Teaneck, NJ
"Can You Spare a Kidney?" by Joanne Palmer, Shammai Engelmayer, Abigail Klein Leichman and Larry Yudelson
Comments: This piece is wonderfully executed and contains an important discussion of Jewish law on organ donation.

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Chicago Jewish News, Skokie, IL
"Jews and Parkinson's" by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood
Comments: Outstanding work.

Second Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Owings Mills, MD
"Medicinal Reefer Madness" by Marc Shapiro
Comments: Captures the complexities of this subject.

Category 13: Award for Excellence in Organizational Newsletters

Division A. Organizational Hard Copy.

First Place
Jewish National Fund, New York, NY
B'yachad Magazine by Ariel Vered, Jodi Bodner, Reginald Jean-Felix and Sherene Strausberg
Comments: Excellent photography on the cover and for feature stories, which are interesting and well written. Including a recipe with the profile on the chef was a great idea. Why not put the feature stories in the opening pages, followed by the mosaics of very small "mug shot" photos from each region, which are far less interesting?

Division B. eNewsletter.

First Place
Friends of Yemin Orde, Bethesda, MD
January, May and June 2014 issues by Barbara Sherbill, Karen Sallerson, Leslie Kline, Trish Quintas and Friends of Yemin Orde
Comments: Clear, easy-to-read monthly eNewsletter with well-written stories of just the right length. Well-produced video at the bottom of the page. Love the way stories link to other stories with additional info. Prominent "donate now" red button at the top of each eNewsletter is a great idea. Strong work.

Category 14:
 Award for Excellence in Writing About Women

Sponsored by: Jewish Women International

All entries competed in the same division.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Mothers" by Leora Eren Frucht
Comments: Sometimes the most personal experience connects us universally. This story made me feel hopeful. 

Second Place
B'nai B'rith Magazine, Washington, D.C.
"My Great-Aunt Itel and the Rise and Fall of the Maidenform Bra Company" by David Laskin
Comments: Who knew who invented bras and how? Glad to learn it was a woman — and one who was street-educated and determined.

Category 15: Award for Excellence in Writing About the Global Russian-Speaking Jewish Community

Sponsored by: Genesis Philanthropy Group

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
70 Faces Media, New York, NY
"Huddling by Fire, Jews In Rebel-Held Ukraine Keep Synagogue Alive" by Cnaan Liphshiz
Comments: A moving piece about an almost unexamined aspect of the crisis in Ukraine by a brave reporter and fine writer. Kudos for having the good sense to focus on "just folks" instead of — to paraphrase "Casablanca" — simply rounding up the usual suspects.

Second Place
The Jewish Week, New York, NY
"The Next Wave of Russian-Jewish Literature" by Sandee Brawarsky, Diane Cole, Boris Fishman and Marina Rubin
Comments: Jews of a certain age remember the Soviet Jewry movement, when the community focused much of its energy on the plight of "refuseniks" and the struggle to open the Former Soviet Union's gates. The Jewish Week's special literary section shows those who remember those days the cultural fruits of their activism. And it exposes younger members of the community to the unique perspectives and deep cultural reservoir these writers tap.

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Arizona Jewish Post, Tucson, AZ
"JFCS Helps Russian Holocaust Survivors Share Their Stories" by Nancy Ben-Asher Ozeri
Comments: Many people don't think of Russian Jews when they think of Holocaust survivors but, as this piece points out, there substantial numbers live in the U.S. That JFCS is gathering their stories is important, that the Arizona Jewish Post covered the project is, too.

Category 16: Award of Excellence in Writing About Jewish Heritage and Jewish Peoplehood in Europe


Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"Just to Say Merci" by Haim Chertok

Second Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
"The Kaiser's Royal Artist" by David W. Weiss

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under. 

First Place
Jewish Independent, Vancouver, British Columbia
"World Musician at Rothstein" by Cynthia Ramsay

Category 17: The Jacob Rader Marcus Award for Journalistic Excellence in American Jewish History

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
The Jewish Channel, New York, NY
"Remembering the Giant Shadow: Mickey Marcus at West Point" by Christian Niedan
Comments: "Remembering a Giant Shadow” captures the multiple memories of Col. Mickey Marcus, an American and Israeli war hero. Beyond the Hollywood film "Cast a Giant Shadow," we see Marcus remembered at West Point for serving two armies and two nations, and watch how his family honors his memory and that of his widow as well.

Second Place
Jewish Standard, Teaneck, NJ
"Mississippi Burning, Remembered: Puffin Marks Jubilee of Freedom Summer" by Larry Yudelson
Comments: Using a local event marking the fiftieth anniversary of Mississippi Freedom Summer, “Mississippi Burning, Remembered” takes us back to that violent summer, as young Northern volunteers, many of them Jews, put their bodies on the line for civil rights.

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Owings Mill, MD
"Jewish Patriots" by Melissa Gerr
Comments: “Jewish Patriots” introduces soldier Mendes Cohen and naval officer Uriah P. Levy, two nineteenth-century colorful figures who bore arms in service to the nation and whose histories revealed their deep commitments to living their lives as both Americans and Jews.

Category 18: Award for Excellence in Overall Graphic Design

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast.

First Place
j. The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California, San Francisco, CA
"The Diary of Another Young Girl," "Lilith, The Night Demon," "Out of Exile" by Cathleen Maclearie 

Division BNewspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Owings Mill, MD
February 21, May 23, November 21 issues by Lindsey Bridwell and Ebony Brown
Comments: Head and shoulders above the rest in this class.

Division C. Magazines, Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
Jewish Exponent - Inside Magazine, Philadelphia, PA
Summer, Winter and Fall issues by Joe Kemp

Category 19: Award for Excellence in Graphic Design: COVER

Division A. Newspapers.

First Place
j. The Jewish news weekly of Northern California, San Francisco, CA
"Emma Goldman: Still Too Hot to Handle?" "Lilith, the Night Demon," "'People's School' Turns 40" by Cathleen Maclearie and Phil Blank

Second Place
Baltimore Jewish Times, Owings Mills, MD
"Horror in Har Nof," "Witness to Conflict," "Down to the Wire" by Lindsey Bridwell and Ebony Brown

Division B. Magazines.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
December 2014 issue by Jodie B. Rossi

Second Place
San Diego Jewish Journal Magazine, San Diego, CA
September 2014 issue by the San Diego Jewish Journal staff

Category 20: The Noah Bee Award for Excellence in Illustrating and/or Editorial Cartooning 

All entries competed in the same division.

First Place
Hadassah Magazine, New York, NY
April/May 2014, October/November 2014 and December 2014 issues by Naftali Beder, Joseph Daniel Fiedler, Christiane Grauert, Donna Grethen and Mark Podwal

Second Place
New Jersey Jewish News, Whippany, NJ
Shana Tova Cover by Dayna Nadel

Category 21: Award for Excellence in Photography

Division A. Newspapers.

First Place
Diane J. Schmidt, Corrales, NM, The New Mexico Jewish Link
"The Anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement Arrives at UNM" by Diane J. Schmidt

Second Place
Jewish Standard, Teaneck, NJ

"Passage to India" by Robert Carroll

Division B. Magazines; Special Sections and Supplements; Web Based Outlets.

First Place
B'nai B'rith Magazine, Washington, D.C.
"Trendy, Yet Traditional: Jerusalem Market Becoming One of Israel’s Hot Spots" by Debbie Zimmelman

Category 22: Award for Outstanding Digital Outreach

Division A. Newspapers 15,000 circulation and over; Broadcast; Magazines.

First Place
Jewish Exponent, Philadelphia, PA

Jewish Exponent Digital Outreach by Deboarh Hirsh and Lisa Hostein

Division B. Newspapers 14,999 circulation and under.

First Place
Phoenix Jewish News, Phoenix, AZ
Website, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, JN Now Newsletter by Salvatore Caputo, Becky Globokar, Jeannie Quiggle, Jennifer Starrett and Leisah Woldoff
Comments: I am a fan of this publications multi-platform strategy. Well thought out and good attention to details.

Second Place
Yiddish Forward, New York, NY
Yiddish Forward Digital Outreach by Boris Budiyanskiy and Jordan Kutzik

Division C. Web Based Outlets; Jewish Organizations.

First Place
70 Faces Media, New York, NY 
Kveller.com by Molly Tolsky, Suzanne Samin and Kveller Staff

Category 23: Award for Excellence in a Multi-Media Story

Division A. Jewish Media Outlets.

First Place
70 Faces Media, New York, NY
"Finding the Goldbergs: A Catskills Mystery Unraveled" by Uriel Heilman
Comments: "Finding the Goldbergs: A Catskills Mystery Unraveled" was an absolute stand-out in this category. Uriel Heilman truly brought this slice of American Jewish history to life through his reporting and story-telling skills. It was also so enterprising for him to head to Catskills for one story, see the prospects for it sink, and then find another, far-richer story. His sleuthing was wonderful and inspiring. The photographs and video were great additions to this piece and terrific complements to the writing. Well done, Uriel!

Category 24: Award for Excellence in Blogging

All entries competed in the same division.

First Place
Edmon J. Rodman, Los Angeles, CA
"Guide for the Jewplexed" by Edmon J. Rodman
Comments: Wonderful blog, lots of content, rich with links, graphics, insights and reporting.

Second Place
Lilith Magazine, New York, NY
Lilith Blog by Lilith Magazine
Comments: A very readable variety of voices, perspectives, links and reflections that enrich the magazine by which it is produced. 

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